Temporal Cold War Mod eingestellt :(


Schlechte Nachrichten für alle die sich auf die Half-Life 2 Modifikation Enterprise Temporal Cold War gefreut haben. Nach drei Jahren Entwicklung und zahlreichen beeindruckenden Meilensteinen wurde nun das Ende verkündet.

Wirklich schade wie wir finden, denn gerade Cpt. Archer und seine Crew hätten dieses Spiel verdient. Wir danken dem Team von TCW für Ihren Enthusiasmus und Ihre Arbeit und wünschen allen weitherin erfolgreiches Vorankommen (was bei der geleisten Qualität außer Frage steht).

Das Besondere am Untergang des Mods:

Die verfügbaren Daten stehen nun frei für jedermann zum Download bereit – auf das andere darauf aufbauen können und etwas sinnvolles damit tun – ganz dem Star Trek Gedanken folgend.

Auch dafür danken wir dem Team von TCW.

Ihr habt tolle Arbeit geleistet!

Original Abschiedsschreiben von Captain Source:

Yes, it is over. After my resignation as Mod Leader, the interest for the mod dropped to an all time low. I felt that after the hard work and effort that had been contributed to the mod, that all of the assets produced and a working version of what we had should at least be released.

We have also added ALL of the model assets, textures and source coding files for those to use as they would like. Please give credit to those who produced them. Other than that, it would be great to see them used in a new mod, or in a Machinima project. I know there are a couple of German indie game and film developers are keen to get their hands on all of the assets and we bid them well with their projects.

I do not see this news as a failure, but as an amazing learning experience that lasted 3 years. In that time, I have learnt an amazing amount about how much work goes into producing a mod/game and have made many friends along the way. The talents of the Design Crew for the mod cannot go unsaid, as you will see in the working proof of concept release. I would to have enjoyed seeing a completed mod, but due to medical issues I personally was unable to continue with the mod, thus my resignation as Captain. I would like to personally thank all of those who contributed to the mod in the Design Crew and those who supported the mod over the past 3 years. Thanks again for the memories.

The main website for the mod will slowly transformed into a Star Trek Enterprise portal for news on movies, games etc so all of the hard work and effort will not be wasted. Unfortunately, I had a hard drive failure and lost all of the .smd files and .qc files for the mod (I would have loved to have give those away as well), which did contribute to the fast track of closing the mod down, since it meant starting from scratch in re-creating the major character versions and new asset compiles.

All downloads are ready to go on ModDB. Checkout our downloads section for the mod there for all of the files. http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-trek-ent … /downloads

Or read on and download them from our main server…


I have added all of the models that Nenad did for the mod as 4 rar files plus the characters in a separate file set. (All 4 files need to be downloaded to work.)

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … part01.rar

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … part02.rar

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … part03.rar

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … part04.rar


Crew Models:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/Mo … .part1.rar

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/Mo … .part2.rar


New Corridor Bulkheads:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … ad_NEW.rar


Main Mod:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … ld-105.rar

Unzip the files which are in their folder called Enterprise-TCW into your SourceMods folder: It is usually in your steam folder like:

DRIVELETTER:SteamsteamappsSourceMods (or wherever you have installed Steam)

Then restart Steam, and the mod will show up in the MyGames section.


Design Document:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/De … Script.rar


Launchbay Map played by the Beta Crew:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … y_Beta.rar


Source Coding files for weapons etc:

http://team.enterprise-tcw.com/files/En … eFiles.rar


Thanks to all those who supported the mod over the past 3 years and lets hope some other talented people take up all of the files we have supplied and either continue the mod, or use them for a similar style of project. If any of the files are used, please give credit to the mod and those created the files. Thanks again.

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